Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How To Jump Higher In Basketball

How To Jump Higher In Basketball

If you are looking to jump higher to dunk a basketball, check out this article with many tips and workouts that you can do to enhance your vertical jump and overall game significantly. Dunking a basketball requires lots of work and motivation but it can be done and anyone can do it. You just need a little boost and anything can happen.

When training to increase vertical, you must train with intensity and power. If you want to jump higher fast, you need to train with heavier weights and lower repetition as well as using exercises that will increase your speed and agility. Don't waste your time training lower weight and higher reps as it won't increase your power.

Sprinting and heavy weight lifting are great for adding serious muscles to your legs which gives you that explosiveness to your jump. Since the key to jumping high is speed + power = high vertical.

Squats and deadlift are great exercises for your legs and backs which are core muscle groups. Once you enhance your core spinal muscles, your whole body will become much stronger in general. When you have stronger core muscles, you can also balance better while on the air and you can do more creative dunks.

While legs muscles are very important to jump higher, you must also increase workouts that target on your calves and ankle. A more flexible ankle will give you a better lift off while stronger calves give you that explosive power to get you up higher.

Plyometrics or platform higher jump shoes are also great tools to help you boost your vertical leap to the next level. You can use those special shoes to add more muscles to your calves and increase the agility in your ankle.

Getting enough rest and eat proper diet nutrition are as important as training the right way. Without the right food intakes and enough rest per night, your muscles will not have enough energy to grow and get stronger. Be sure to take a day off after your workout day to let your muscles rest properly.

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